Main Publications

Full CV available here.

I. In applied ethics:

    • With Thomas Mekhaël, L’éthique et le génie québécois, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2024, 270 pages (Publisher website | Supplementary material)
    • With Victor Babin, “Two Philosophical Issues Surrounding the Structure of Public-Policy Recommendations”, Dialogue, 62.3, 2023: 431-446 (HTML)

II. On coherence and rationality:

    • “Coherence, First-Personal Deliberation, and Crossword Puzzles”, Philosophical Topics, forthcoming (Preprint)
    • “Imperfection, Accuracy, and Structural Rationality”, Erkenntnis, 89, 2024: 1095-1111 (HTML | Preprint)
    • “Transformative Experiences, Rational Decisions and Shark Attacks”, Inquiry, 67.4, 2024: 1619-1639 (HTML | Preprint)
    • “Structural Rationality and the Property of Coherence”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 104.1, 2023: 170-194 (HTML | Preprint)
    • “The Explanatory Role of Consistency Requirements”, Synthese 197.10, 2020: 4551-4569 (HTML | Preprint)

III. On ideals in ethics and epistemology:

    • “What Second-Best Epistemology Could Be”, Analytic Philosophy, DOI: 10.1111/phib.12361
    • “The comparison problem for approximating epistemic ideals”, Ratio, 36.1, 2023: 22-31. (HTML | Preprint)
    • “Adversariality and Ideal Argumentation: A Second-Best Perspective”, Topoi 40.5, dossier spécial Adversariality and Argument, edited by Katharina Stevens et John Casey, 2021: 887-898 (HTML | Preprint)